Croupier OD IE

Active Ingredient(s): 225 g/L fluroxypyr and 9 g/L metsulfuron-methyl Formulation: Oil dispersion Pack Size: 5L PCS No.: 06531 CROUPIER OD is a selective, post-emergence herbicide for the control of broadleaved weeds in winter and spring cereals. MSDS Label


Active Ingredient(s): 50g/l cyflufenamid Formulation: Emulsion in water Pack Size: 1L MAPP No.: 15238 An emulsion in water formulation containing 50g/l cyflufenamid for the control of powdery mildew on a range of cereal crops MSDS Label


Active Ingredient(s): 50g/l cyflufenamid Formulation: Emulsion in water Pack Size: 1L MAPP No.: 19366 Inari is a protectant fungicide, containing 50 g/litre cyflufenamid, with useful curative activity against powdery mildew on a range of cereal crops. MSDS Label


Active Ingredient(s): 50g/L cyflufenamid Formulation: Emulsion in water Pack Size: 1L MAPP No.: 12403/ PCS 06595 A protectant fungicide, containing 50 g/litre cyflufenamid, with useful curative activity against powdery mildew on a range of cereal crops. EAMU MSDS Label

Croupier OD

Active Ingredient(s): 225 g/L fluroxypyr and 9 g/L metsulfuron-methyl Formulation: Oil dispersion Pack Size: 5L MAPP No.: 20178 (18457) CROUPIER OD is a selective, post-emergence herbicide for the control of broadleaved weeds in winter and spring cereals. MSDS Label

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