
Active Ingredient(s): 4.59 g/l pyrethrins and 825.3 g/l of naturally derived rapeseed oil Formulation: Emulsifiable concentrate Pack Size: 10L PCS No. 18434 An emulsifiable concentrate formulation containing 4.59 g/l pyrethrins and 825.3 g/l of naturally derived rapeseed oil. Spruzit is a broad spectrum, contact insecticide for use against biting and sucking insects in [...]


Active Ingredient(s): 186.7 g/L (18.9% w/w) pelargonic acid Formulation: Emulsifiable concentrate Pack Size: 10L MAPP No.: 13102 A non-selective emulsifiable concentrate herbicide containing 186.7 g/L (18.9% w/w) pelargonic acid with pure contact action on all green plant parts against annual and perennial monocotyledonous weeds, dicotyledonous weeds, mosses and algae. It is intended to [...]

Conclude AZT 250SC

Active Ingredient(s): 250 g/L (23.1% w/w) azoxystrobin Formulation: Suspension concentrate Pack Size: 5L MAPP No.: 18440 A broad spectrum fungicide for use on wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, combining peas, fresh peas (vining pea, garden pea, mange tout, sugar snaps), fresh beans (broad beans, green beans), field beans, lupins, bulb onions, garlic, shallots, [...]

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