Nissorun EAMU for spider mite control

HSE has issued an EAMU for the use of Certis’ insecticide Nissorun SC for the control of spider mites in container grown, outdoor and protected pot and bedding plants, hardy nursery stock and forest nursery.

Its active substance hexythiazox belongs to IRAC group 10A and is effective against the eggs and larvae of spider mites with limited effect on adults.

Zest Sustainable ICM lead agronomist Semo Kurtev says it will give the ornamentals industry a significant boost of confidence in the control of spider mites as there is a zero tolerance of the cosmetic damage they cause.

In the justification for the EAMU application he cited the loss of acaricide options and the label restrictions on those remaining.

“Nissorun will be an important addition to growers’ crop protection armoury,” Semo says.

“For outdoor container grown ornamental crops it can be used either as pest numbers are building up or late in the season for a clean-up prior to over wintering.

“For protected container grown ornamentals Nissorun will be a welcome addition for resistance management with its IRAC 10A mode of action and compatibility with macro biologicals.”

He adds that the modern SC formulation spreads well, leaves no coloured residue and is an ideal product for IPM strategies due to its safety profile to beneficials.

The EAMU permits one application per crop at a maximum dose of 0.4 L/ha with latest time of application being three days prior to removal for sale.

Find out more on spider mite control from Certis here.

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